Board Of Directors
Meet the visionaries behind The Camp At Findley. Our 100% volunteer based board is made up of individuals who feel the calling to serve others and help preserve but expand The Camp At Findley.
Don Blakeslee
Board Chairman
Don Blakeslee has served as the Camp Findley Director and Maintenance Manager for over 30 years. He Provides a wealth of knowledge on camp management and the facilities. When you are at camp you will always see his smiling face as he still helps with the upkeep of the camp and all their day-to-day operations.
Don and his wife have raised their family on these tranquil grounds. His children grew up with a love of the camp and also continue in helping it's legacy.

Eric (Buddy) Maess
Board Vice Chairman
Eric Maess is recently retired from the Manufacturing Engineering world. He now serves as an Elder, Sunday School & Disciple teacher, and will sing with the Worship Team at his church.
Buddy's love for the camp started many years ago when he attended Camp Findley as a child. During Bible Conference in 1970 he was baptized in Findley Lake. He then went on to serve as summer staff throughout his high school and college years.

Pastor David Cooke
Board Secretary
Pastor David Cooke is the local Pastor at Findley Lake United Methodist Church. He also serves as the Chaplain for the Findley Lake Fire Department.
Dave has been a lifelong camper and that is what helped lead him to his passion for ministry. He has attended Family Bible Camp all his life and currently is on the FBC Board. Through the years he has served many roles at Camp Findley and now heads up our Teen Mission Camp for our summer camp program.

Grodon Post
Board Treasurer
Gordon Post is the Owner and President of Post Scientific Apples, Inc. He has been involved in leadership at Findley Lake United Methodist Church where he has served as a Lay Leader for over 20 years.
Gordon has raised his family coming to Family Bible Camp and Camp Findley throughout the years. He has served as a Camp Findley Board Member from 2007-2010 and has volunteered endless hours at the camp.

Pastor Al Gernovich
Board Member
Pastor Al Gernovich is the pastor at the Salt Church in Corry, PA. Prior to that he has worked in the school as a counselor and therapist.
Pastor Al is passionate about helping others and bringing the joy of life and the Lord to all!

Korinda Messenger
Board Member
Korinda Messenger is a Mid-Wife at Lane Women's Health, LLC. She also serves on the Board at Sherman Community Church. Prior to that she was a Board Member at New Beginnings Fellowship. Korinda's true calling is her mission trips to Kenya. As she says "My heart is in Africa"!
Korinda has attended many camps at Camp Findley growing up and developed a love for the grounds. She is always willing to help and one of the first to take charge!
Marsha Marsh
Board Member
Marsha Marsh is the owner of Marhsa Marsh Real Estate Services. Along with Marsha's busy realtor schedule she also sits on many other boards in the area.
Marsha and her husband, Greg, attend Girard Christian and Missionary Alliance Church where their son is the Senior Pastor. They have four sons, four daughters-in-law, and 12 grandchildren.
Roger Brumagin
Board Member
Roger Brumagin is a former Research Associate with Hammermill Paper Comapny and faculty member of the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine. Now he is semi retired. He serves as the organist for the Glenwood United Methodist Church.
Roger first attended Camp Findley in 1964 and grew his relationship into counselor, camp host, and Board Member. These grounds are very special to him as this is where he accepted Christ, was baptized in the lake, and proposed to his wife Debbie.
Matt Wise
Board Member
Do you feel the calling to serve on The Camp At Findley Board?
If so, email with your letter of intention.